Health & Wellness trends post COVID-19

The COVID-19 has severely affected normal life. It has affected the:

  • Emotional wellness which means paying attention to one’s self-care, stress handling, relaxation, understanding one’s feelings, etc.
  • Finance wellness which means learning how to manage one’s finances-income & expenses. Finance plays a critical role in an individual’s life and a person not being financially stable, can harm their health.
  • Occupational wellness which means an individual enjoying his occupation. This wellness leads to personal satisfaction, creating and adding to one’s self-esteem and self-worth. High self-worth contributes to the individual’s well-being.
  • Social Wellness helps one perform social activities, create a network of friends, and developing relationships with peer groups and personal relationships. Social wellness gives a feeling of happiness, satisfaction, & promotes healthy living.
  • Intellectual Wellness helps one to open and working on new ideas and continuing to gain knowledge. It helps in stimulating one’s mental health and broadens their knowledge.
  • Physical wellness relates to maintaining a healthy body, taking care of their health, regular exercise, a good diet, enough sleep, paying attention to their body, and seeking the right medication when needed. It helps one to keep themselves fit and healthy.

This pandemic has taken many lives. Some lost their life because of the deadly virus, some starved to death, some couldn’t handle the pressure of the rising expenses at this unexpected time and ended up themselves, stress, depression, losing their job, and the list stands endless. And it will continue.
There is an increase in stress, sleep disorders, mood, and anxiety disorders, feeling of helplessness, isolation, etc. These issues will not disappear simply as soon as the pandemic ends as these effects have a long-term effect on one’s mental health.

So, looking at the current scenario of health and wellness of the individuals, there is going to be a greater demand of health and wellness experts, nutritionists, and counselors who would help the affected people and bring back then to their normal life. Here we have a list of health and wellness trends, post COVID-19.

1. Increase in search of health and related concerns:

There is an and will be an increase of searches on Google, related to certain common symptoms, solutions or medications to those searches, questions relating to self-awareness, things to do or not to do to keep oneself healthy, etc. So, shortly, self-awareness will become an integral part of health and wellbeing.

2. Applications &Wearable:

During the COVID-19, the Government has made compulsory for its employees to download the Aarogya Setu app. This app is also mandatory for all the delivery executives who deliver food, courier, parcel, etc. This app works by continuously collecting the data on the location of users and cross-checks it with Central Government’s database to understand if the user has come into contact with an infected person. These apps are just the beginning and there are more to come.

An untouch band has been launched for COVID-19 that raises an alarm when you try to touch your face. WHO has stated that that the COVID-19 infection can spread when a person touches his face. Washing hands frequently and social distancing are the guidelines by the WHO to prevent the spread of the disease. But it may be possible that unintentionally, one may touch their face. Hence, a group of young researchers innovated the untouch band. It is your companion that would help you to get rid of the unconscious habit of touching one’s face by training one’s mind with mild vibrations. It can also prevent you from some other habits, such as nail-biting, hair pulling, etc. You can order your untocuch band from the website Other wearables have been introduced that make the life of people easier that can track patient’s health, monitor heart rate, etc.

3. Digital Platforms as the new source of information:

In the future, doctors will not be the only source of information on health. More and more people are referring to digital platforms, to understand their health problems, symptoms, or health concerns. People are shifting to digital information as they are finding it more reliable and a quick source of information for their health problems. Health is a very personal concern for every people.

4. Building Immunity will be the new trend:

To protect oneself from diseases, building good immunity levels will be able to fight infections better. Many, home remedies, supplements, etc, will be on high demand and shall be tried by individuals to strengthen the body against infections. The purchase of immune supplements will take a rise. Vitamins and multi-vitamins supplements are the most common supplements that are in demand.

5. Organic foods:

Organic foods are grown using the organic methods of farming with the limited use of modern chemicals and fertilizers. There is & will be an increase in demand for organic foods because they are healthy, toxic-free, natural & fresh, good taste, environmentally friendly, reduces health risks, and has high nutritional value. Not only in India, but there is also a huge demand for organic food worldwide. People are now including organic food into their lifestyle because of the numerous benefits that organic food offers.

6. Mental health:

Mental health during this pandemic situation is a serious health condition. During this pandemic, there is mass unemployment, depletion in the social safety net, increase rate of violence, homelessness, starvation, alcoholic individuals, and more and more people getting into poverty. The post-COVID-19 scenario will be worst with an increase in anxiety, depression, stress, harming oneself, alcohol dependence, a rise in morbidity, etc. There is an increase in the number of suicides due to the financial crisis.

7. Occupational health and safety:

A large share of the world’s population spends their time at their occupational place and it will continue as it is an important means of livelihood. The workplace will have a significant role in the general well-being, health, and safety of the employees. Occupational safety is important as it has a direct impact on the health of the workers. Employees and workers will prefer a workplace where their safety is ensured, and are not exposed to the risk of virus, or any health issues. In India, it will be going to address the workers regarding rising health issues and the importance of keeping their workplace clean & sanitized.

There will be many more health concerns post-COVID-19.

The health & wellness industry has a very crucial role in improving and maintain mental health, fitness, nutrition, diet plans, etc, by motivating and encouraging the affected people to change their lifestyle, keep oneself calm, handle difficult situations, and keep themselves fit.


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