Health & Wellness trends post COVID-19

The COVID-19 has severely affected normal life. It has affected the: Emotional wellness which means paying attention to one’s self-care, stress handling, relaxation, understanding one’s feelings, etc. Finance wellness which means learning how to manage one’s finances-income & expenses. Finance plays a critical role in an individual’s life and a person not being financially stable, can harm their health. Occupational wellness which means an individual enjoying his occupation. This wellness leads to personal satisfaction, creating and adding to one’s self-esteem and self-worth. High self-worth contributes to the individual’s well-being. Social Wellness helps one perform social activities, create a network of friends, and developing relationships with peer groups and personal relationships. Social wellness gives a feeling of happiness, satisfaction, & promotes healthy living. Intellectual Wellness helps one to open and working on new ideas and continuing to gain knowledge. It help...