Mental Health During Pandemic

How do we stay positive and maintain a sound mental state amidst this chaotic atmosphere is a question that is pervading our minds. To begin with First thing first- Following the diktats of the medical fraternity and the Governments without question; staying within the safe cocoon of our sweet homes, following every hygienic measure prescribed and maintain social distancing. I am sure many of you will say- I am still feeling anxious. Our lives have been revolutionized by the chain of changes that have taken place in the past many years due to the IT revolution and globalization- so staying indoors makes us feel uneasy. However, this was so common to human life prior to modernization. Having taken physical measures to remain safe; we can channelize our time and energy to do the following things Waking up with a sense of gratitude for being given this time to pause and introspect the life you have led- the gaps and fills that can be made; gratitude for being able to see the blue sk...