Mental Health During Pandemic

 How do we stay positive and maintain a sound mental state amidst this chaotic atmosphere is a question that is pervading our minds.

To begin with First thing first- Following the diktats of the medical fraternity and the Governments without question; staying within the safe cocoon of our sweet homes, following every hygienic measure prescribed and maintain social distancing.

I am sure many of you will say- I am still feeling anxious.

Our lives have been revolutionized by the chain of changes that have taken place in the past many years due to the IT revolution and globalization- so staying indoors makes us feel uneasy. However, this was so common to human life prior to modernization. Having taken physical measures to remain safe; we can channelize our time and energy to do the following things

Waking up with a sense of gratitude for being given this time to pause and introspect the life you have led- the gaps and fills that can be made; gratitude for being able to see the blue sky and breathe the fresh air–unpolluted from black smogs or noise emanating from vehicles and factories.

Our physical being becomes stronger with a stronger mind and the mind like anything else needs energy-energy of POSITIVITY.

Positive energy can be generated by making our muscles work, by pumping up the blood circulation, by breathing in fresh air through different forms of exercises and do not forget the gift of the Vedic system called YOGA and MEDITATION

Yoga constitutes concentration, relaxation techniques through ASANAS and PRANAYAM. It helps flow in fresh air/ oxygen to different parts of the body and mind and releases used air /carbon dioxide. It calms down our mind and energizes our body and mind-the entity.

There is always opportunity in crisis too. COVID-19 has put a brake at the pace with which we were operating and accumulating things.

Declutter your mind and time from unnecessary social media communication and sustain your information system from reliable sources like that of WHO, Government websites.

So here’s your time to sit down in your living room and engage in healthy and humorous conversation over a cup of tea or coffee with the family members; spend time playing with your kids or siblings; pick up a book and read if you didn’t find time earlier; cook a dish if you love to roll out yummy dishes for your loved ones;  get enrolled and enlighten your brain through any online courses that are close to your heart but you could never squeeze out time for it; tend to the beautiful plants in your garden-feel the leaves, flowers; hear to the chirping of the birds and the sounds of nature; indulge in poetry writing or fill up the canvas with colours.

Most importantly tell yourself that WE WILL OVERCOME!

It's time to nurture your mind with self-talk - telling yourself that the blockade for sure will be removed and the road ahead after corona will be a road ahead to walk down as a better person with better conviction.

Before you retire to bed, it's worth sitting down calmly and saying a small prayer thanking the spiritual force for helping us through.




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